I enjoyed this. Sure, some of the animation wasn't that fantastic but some of it was quite good. The nostalgic music was enjoyable - you don't see that kind of music in Flash animations anymore.
Nice work to all of ya.
I enjoyed this. Sure, some of the animation wasn't that fantastic but some of it was quite good. The nostalgic music was enjoyable - you don't see that kind of music in Flash animations anymore.
Nice work to all of ya.
Good work, everyone.
Thanks for the 10!
Great work!
Dude, this was great! Some of the animation wasn't the best but the storyline and the humour made up for it! One thing I'd recommend on the drawing is shading/lighting, gives a nice effect. Overall, great work!
Thanks for the review man, glad you liked it! In TM3 we're (kind of) adding shading, not so much to the characters but the backgrounds i think should have a bit. Thanks again!
Pretty Good
The music went pretty well (I'm guessing it's M*A*S*H's music theme lol), the animation and art was pretty poor to be honest but the way it was done made it alright.
Thanks :)
Pretty Good
Loved the music and slick animation. A bit repetitive with that black thing swinging around though. Overall, good work!
Black dot = win.
Great story! The build was just terrific and I enjoyed it all the way through. A bit slow but still great. Loved how she was calling people on the cell phone and the people responded... especially the Mum "it's so late blah blah" lol. Pretty realistic. 10/10
Awesome graphics as well. I love your style, kind of simple, nice, clean and overall awesome. Smooth lines, great shading and lighting. 10/10
Great voice acting, good music. Can't complain about anything. 10/10
A truly awesome movie which I cannot find anything wrong with. Keep up the good work!
Animation wasn't fantastic, but the amazing art made up for it. And it leaves me wondering what the hell is going on so now I'm looking forward to the second one just to have some answers. Great work!
that's good. i'm obviously not focusing on the animation. i'll improve it a little, but i'm glad you at least payed attention to the story, unlike some ppl.
some ppl are a little distressing. i'm trying to stay positive tho.
Great work. The noses need a little work though lol. So, was this animated by the Horner or what?
By the Horner? I've never heard that phrase before. :P
I animated it. ^^
lol another pointy nose hater. It's cool. If they never catch on I'll eventually change it. Till then I'm keeping my lovably pointy noses. :3
Great Work!
I loved this. Great concept and graphics! It also makes me think what a shame it is for aborted babies that miss out on this little adventure...
Yeah, I could have gone into a lot of detail, but this is just the key points... Thanks for the review and your vote.
Now, I know it's not a flash but I can't believe you drew each frame so lifelike in Photoshop then imported into Flash! Oh yes, PS can definitely work wonders. And the fact that you drew and animated it JUST LIKE the movie and imported every frame into Flash (but with cooler sounds) was incredible and shows how diligent you are. I... I just can't get over it! You truly are an awesome artist with a shitload of potential.
hahah suck a dick already
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